This blog is about me contemplating and trying to make sense of this fascinating journey called life and penning down various life lessons that I learn along the way.....
So make yourself a nice cup of coffee..pull a chair and sit back and enjoy the little ponderings that I share with you...

Saturday, September 26, 2015

You are the Universe expressing itself.... Don't die with the Music still inside you...

"Don't die with the music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your souls" - Wayne Dyer 

Most of you are well aware that I have not been writing much recently on Soul Food Bites. I am not sure if it was a writers block or simply that my soul had chosen to experience and express itself in other creative forms recently. Between this period my vegan food website "A Sweet Vegan World" was born and it will always be very close to my heart. But whenever I would go anywhere people would ask me about  Soul Food Bites articles and why I had stopped writing them. I really had no answer. It just wasn't happening. I just wasn't feeling like it. I felt like I had nothing to say really. I guess..

But then something really got to me the other day. It was the news of Wayne Dyer passing away. 
I honestly couldn't believe that this man had died...
The reality and certainty of death always has that power to jolt you out of your comfort zone.

Why? You ask.. I didn't even know him personally right? But you know what? when I was in my darkest dungeon ..his words had the power to pull me out... Yes simple words..I held on to those words like a rope which pulled me out. Wise and inspirational words by some very wise authors. And Wayne Dyer was one of them. Wayne Dyer, Robin Sharma, Anthony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho and even Brian Weiss.. These authors unknowingly became my mentors through their works and their books.

These authors became my rocks. And Wayne Dyer was one of such a big rock. He spoke about hope, inspiration, strength and sometimes even about orbs around his head and monarch butterflies sitting on his shoulders. :) And honestly initially even I wondered if he was deluded or something but as I read more and more of his books.. his words would resonate with the deepest part in me.
And today as I looked at his picture on one of my books, a sense of realisation dawned on me. His face appeared so serene and peaceful. It was as if he had written everything he knew and believed to be true and now had moved on to his next step in his eternal journey. It was as if he had emptied himself out ..fulfilled his purpose and moved on.. Some got inspired by him, some must have called his work humbug and some don't even know who he is. But  he did what he was meant to do on this planet.. He wrote it all out...
It really made me wonder..Had I written it all out? Yes some may read it, some may not, some may like it some may call it bullshit, one day it may culminate into a book , one day it may not. But the real question is had "I" written it all out? Or was I going to die with the "Music still inside my heart" as Wayne Dyer himself would say it. Was I going to share with the world everything that I had learnt since I began my journey consciously or would I just die with all the knowledge inside me?...
If you really ask me last 6 years of my life have been so dramatically life altering that I have really prayed to God.... please give me one non-happening year!! Seriously! But then I realise life gives you experiences so that you may learn from them and share your learnings with others. All this could not be happening for no reason. I have to write it out. Weave them into beautiful stories.. Or what's the point? Right?
I believe the Universe expresses itself through us. It gives us desires, dreams, knowledge, experiences and opportunities for our learning and for sharing these learnings with others. And to express these desires is our purpose in life..The Music in our hearts.. And that's why many famous authors like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Paulo Coelho have repeatedly said that ..When you decide to follow your dreams the entire Universe supports you ....... Why? Because I believe you are simply the Universe expressing itself through you so when you align yourself with your dreams and desires you allow things to flow....allows opportunities to come your way. Yes ,we like the word opportunities as compared to the concept of the Universe supporting us..isn't it? :)

And to think about it..we are all going to die one day..each and every one of us..And it's really not going to matter how many Likes you got and how many you didn't. Even Mr. Deepak Chopra or for that matter Mahatma Gandhi have their fair share of nay sayers. But imagine if they didn't do what they were meant to do because of fear..
A friend had recently sent me a message that "The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find"...How true is that! Accepting our true self is surprisingly such a challenging task. Never thought it would be like that.. But that's what it is.. right? I mean, I always wonder ..why did I choose this silly task of writing such thought provoking stuff!! why couldn't I have just chosen to be a famous movie star instead!! :) haha.. But I guess that's not how the story was supposed to go.. :) So many times we literally need the Universe to push us to finally get down to what we were meant to do! So funny huh!!

And as I stare at Wayne Dyer's serene face. I realise that even I want to die like that..after having written everything out.. Some may not read it, some may not like it, some may call it airy fairy but some sweet souls quietly read it and look forward for more and so I write for them and mainly for Me. As most of all I owe it to all my life experiences and my own soul to express itself clearly and give it an opportunity to do what it was meant to do!! takes courage to put yourself out there..But that's the whole point isn't it?. I am not coming back all over again for it!!  What about you? :)