This blog is about me contemplating and trying to make sense of this fascinating journey called life and penning down various life lessons that I learn along the way.....
So make yourself a nice cup of coffee..pull a chair and sit back and enjoy the little ponderings that I share with you...

Friday, April 8, 2016

My Two Bits on... To Be or Not To Be.. :)

Not writing long articles these days. Happy with bits and pieces.. Let's call them Soul Food Bits.. :)
It's more a compelling pull to write what's happening on the path. As if I made a promise or something before getting on a journey that  I will keep writing...that I will keep posted...will keep communicating....literally.... Feels exactly like that.. that's what I realized I had been doing sub-consciously with my food blogs too .. :)

Anyways :) Saw Kung Fu Panda 3 the other day.. And actually surprisingly many of these cartoon movies these days are quite inspiring and have very profound messages... Interesting to watch this Panda trying to live upto his dragon warrior destiny and wondering who is he? .. a son of a Panda? a son of a bird? a dragon warrior? a teacher? And finally receiving his answer that he is ..All of it....

Brought a smile to my face when I saw that because interestingly this has been on my mind too... Obviously not a co-incidence.. :)
I have always wondered about this need to define ourselves in one one one word. Yes, maybe what one does for money can be defined in a line to those people we are offering our services to. But is that all that we are? Is that who you are? 
How does one define the multifaceted beings that we are?...  The journey that we are on?.. 
No wonder then, that people get disappointed when that one facet of their life doesn't work the way they want because that's how they have defined themselves... 

So then.. Am I a mother? A blogger? A writer? A cook?  A vegan ? A dancer? A reader? A thinker? A fitness freak these days! And everything else that I've been in the past!

And interestingly someone very close to me had told me... to not think singularly and in those exact words..that I was ... All of it...
One can categorize it whichever way one wants but it's all me.. and it's all inter connected..

And time and again, I reach the conclusion that I don't want to Be This or That...I don't want to Wait to Be this or that..

Those with conditioned minds often get mistaken and think that when you don't care about Being this or that.. you are not ambitious enough. But infact, I have realized that I seem to be after the most ambitious thing this time  :) I seem to have chosen a real ambitious fast track of learning and evolution this time.. :) Like seriously!! :) No nonsense on the way.. I've been on a fast track ever since I can remember!! :) Sorry....but I deserve to laugh a bit at that!! :)

To me, whether consciously or unconsciously my journey has been most important....
Every person that I meet....every experience that I have...every activity that I do..  leads me towards my evolution.....
If earlier it meant to be in the corporate world for a certain purpose.. I did it...
And now... 
If that means I need to write a novel or something..I will write it..
If that means I need to go dance somewhere to balance my energy ... I will do that..
If that means only certain kinds of food suit me now ..I will happily do it...
If that means I need to meet certain people have certain experiences with them as a part of my soul work..So be it...
At this point in my journey ..I don't want to get fixed on Being one particular thing....
At this point in my journey.. my goal is my Evolution.. reuniting with my true spiritual being is what I wish and pray for...

Interestingly.. I became conscious of my journey about 3 years back.. and it has been truly such an amazing journey...So much has happened since then too..... I have to allow that process to unfold in it's own time... Every time you feel complete and ready there is a whole new level of completion waiting at the corner.. 
Every event since then feels like it's been minutely planned....each person.. each activity...each experience seems perfect this had to happen....then this had to happen....then I had to meet this person... I truly feel blessed to share this journey with some amazing soul friends who I had to meet on the way...very strategically placed. And  we keep reminding ourselves that our journeys are so same same yet completely different different.. :)
Everything so perfect... not  a day wasted...pit pat like a script.. And I want to stay aligned to that and grateful for it...

Since then, I have developed a much stronger faith in the Path and the Universe and given up the need to define myself.....
My daily affirmation is towards my soul evolution and for all my loved ones...near and far..

Too much has happened in this lifetime itself to fall for the need of the Ego to Be something... I am not falling for that....

I have realized that, for me, it was never about ...To Be or Not To Be..
It is about.... I Am that I Am...
And That is Enough... :)

And the more all of us realize the importance of "I Am that I Am" rather than struggle with "To Be or Not To Be", the more liberated and joyful we all will feel.